5 Dev Tools to Look Out for in 2022

5 Dev Tools to Look Out for in 2022


Can you believe it’s been over two years since the global pandemic had totally shaken up the way we work? The beginnings were tough, but now, with the end of 2021 right around the corner, we are already used to remote working environments and expect the market to catch up with the new normal. The demand for innovation and collaboration improvements for remote teams (and dev teams in particular) is probably one of the strongest trends we can currently observe in the industry. In this short post I rounded up 5 relatively new dev tools that have recently been on my radar and I believe have the potential to improve our daily workflows.


 Pain: Lack of communication tools designed specifically for developers


via DZone https://dzone.com

January 4, 2022 at 11:54PM
Carlo Morrone